Note: Upon purchase, customers will receive a unique link in their email to visit byte's site to redeem before their kit will be shipped. Promo code will automatically be applied. For US customers only.
Designed to work from home and give you a break from going to clinics, this byte® Aligner Impression Kit gives you an orthodontist directed treatment with remote monitoring. Upon purchase, you'll get your at-home impression kit. Simply do your top and bottom impressions and send it back to byte®. Expert orthodontists will personally review your impressions, create a treatment plan, and then personally explain your treatment plan to you using a fully interactive 3D model. Before you know it, your custom aligners and step-by-step treatment plan are right to your door.
This is just the first step for getting aligners and doesn't include the full cost to move forward.(See pricing/payment plan options starting at $83/month here)
The Benefits
- No in-office visits
- May be partially/fully covered or reimbursable by your insurance - click to check!
- Treatment in 3-4 months
- Smile Science Advanced Aesthetic Treatment
- byte-for-life Lifetime guarantee
Featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Forbes, InStyle, and Harvard Medical School